Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dominic Wilcox's "speed creating"

Check out this cool ideas ... fun and funny

"I have been invited by curator Daniel Charny to take part in the Anti Design Festival‘s Mistakes and Manifestos events. I am starting a new project called ‘Speed Creating’ where I attempt to do something creative each day for 30 days (gulp). Large or small, quick or time consuming I have no idea where it will take me. The project is from today the 1st of September until the 30th. So keep checking back each day, I will probably update late at night every day. Objects created during this project will be shown during the London design Festival, Mestakes and Manifestos, 18-21st September as part of the Anti – Design Festival at the Londonewcastle project space, 28 Redchurch st. Here is the official description…"


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